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Get a quick understanding of how Dokkio works.

Dokkio® Sidebar™ – Search smarter, auto-tag and organize, without the tab chaos


Dokkio Sidebar breaks down those silos. It’s a Chrome extension that brings you the right information, at exactly the right time, inside the tools you use.


Find and access online files and knowledge while working inside tools like Google Docs, Gmail, Notion, and web browsing.

Dokkio Extended Overview (5 minutes)

Get an extended overview of the main features within Dokkio – Tags, File Categories, Attributes and Contexts.

How Dokkio Works

Get a quick overview of the main features within Dokkio – Tags, File Categories, Attributes and Contexts.

Content Sources

A Content Source is a cloud storage account, or a specific cloud folder, whose files you connected to Dokkio.

File Categories

Dokkio classifies files into categories (like contracts, resumes, or propsals…), to help you find and organize them.

Business Context

Dokkio can show you all the files that relate to a specific context, like a Project, Product or Customer.

Dokkio Tour Videos

Dokkio Tour Videos
Dokkio Tour Video: Onboarding

Dokkio Tour Video: Onboarding

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Dokkio Tour Video: Categories

Dokkio Tour Video: Categories

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Dokkio Tour Video: Contexts

Dokkio Tour Video: Contexts

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Dokkio Tour Video: Tags

Dokkio Tour Video: Tags

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Ready to get some file and folder sanity?

Dokkio syncs with your existing cloud-based file resources (Dropbox, Drive, Slack, etc.) Once you create a new account, just login with those credentials to start organizing your files.

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